I can honestly say that I am proud to be called a Longhorn fan after last night’s game against Alabama. Yes there is a level of disappointment and frustration with the loss. Yes I would have loved to see Colt McCoy play the entire game. I would have been less frustrated if some of the penalties that were called or not called been different. No one will ever know what would have happened if McCoy would not have gotten hurt, the outcome might have been the very same.
One of the things that made me proud last night was the fact that there was no quit in the team. Even though their number one offensive producer was no longer on the field, the team kept playing. Yes, there were some major mistakes and dropped passes, but everyone was still playing with pride.
Another thing that made me proud was the attitude that McCoy had once he came to the sideline. He was as involved in the game as he could be. He was extremely optimistic and supportive of his backup, Gilbert. He was talking with the coaches and helping call the plays. He was being a team leader even though he was not on the field.
Finally, McCoy took his stand (as he always has) for his relationship with God through Christ. He showed that he is a man of faith, knowing that there are more important aspects of life than that on the football field. What courage he showed at the conclusion of the game as he was being interviewed. He also showed great sportsmanship as he congratulated the Alabama team and his backup. He made the interview about what was important to him – Being Christ-like!!
I know that there are other college athletes that are good representatives of Christ and I applaud them as well. But today, I applaud Colt McCoy of standing up for his beliefs in a very difficult time in his life. I thank God for his testimony and his willingness to share his faith on the world stage.